34 - Logical#


Programs in logic languages are declarative rather than procedural:

  • Only specification of results are stated (not detailed procedures of producing them)

Programs are expressed in a form of symbolic logic.

A logical inferencing process is used to produce results.

Symbolic Logic#

Logic which can be used for the basic needs of formal logic:

  • Express propositions

  • Express relationships between propositions

  • Describe how new propositions can be inferred from other propositions

Particular form of sybolic logic used for logic programming called (first order) predicate calculus.

Propositions and Object Repesentation#

A proposition is a logical statement that may or may not be true.

  • Consists of objects and relationships of objects to each other

For example: parent(bob, jake)

Objects in propositions are represented by simple terms: either constants or variables.

  • Constant: a symbol that represents an object

  • Variable: a symbol that can represent different objects at different times

    • This is different from variables in imperative languages

For example:

  • parent(bob, jake)

  • parent(x, jake)

  • parent(bob, y)

  • parent(x, y)

Compound Terms#

Atomic propositions are compound terms.

Compound term: one element of a mathematical relation, written like a mathematical function

Compound terms are composed of two parts:

  • Functor: function symbol that names the relationship

  • Ordered list of parameters (tuple)

For example:

  • student(jon)

  • like(seth, OSX)

  • like(nick, windows)

  • like(jim, linux)

Forms of a Proposition#

Propositions can be stated in two forms:

  • Fact: proposition is assumed to be true

  • Query: truth of proposition is to be determined

Compound proposition:

  • Have two or more atomic propositions

  • Propositions are connected by operators

Logical Operators#







\(\neg\) a

not a



a \(\cap\) b

a and b



a \(\cup\) b

a or b



a \(\equiv\) b

a is equivalent to b



a \(\supset\) b
b \(\subset\) a

a implies b
b implies a








\(\forall\) X.P

For all X, P is true



\(\exists\) X.P

There exists a value of X such that P is true

Clausal Form#

Too many ways to state the same thing. Use a standard form for propositions.

Clausal form:

  • \(B_1 \cup B_2 \cup \dots \cup B_n \subset A_1 \cap A_2 \cap \dots \cap A_m\)

  • Means if every \(A\) is true, then at least one \(B\) is true

Antecedent: right side

Consequent: left side

For example: likes(bob, trout) \(\subset\) likes(bob, fish) \(\cap\) fish(trout)

A Brief Introduction to Predicate Calculus#

Predicate calculus provides a way to represent collections of propositions. A use of propositions is to discover new theorems that can be inferred from known axioms and theorems.

Resolution: an inference to allow inferred propositions to be computed from given propositions.


Unification: finding values for variables in propositions that allows matching process to proceed.

Instantiation: assigning temporary values to variables to allow unification to succeed.

After instantiating a variable with a value, if matching fails, may need to backtrack and instantiate with a different value.

Proof by Contradiction#

Hypotheses: a set of pertinent propositions.

Goal: negation of theorem stated as a proposition.

Theorem is proved by finding an inconsistency.

Theorem Proving -> Logical Programming#

Theorem proving is the basis for logical programming.

When propositions are used for resolution, only the restricted form can be used.

Horn clause: can have only two forms.

  • Headed: single atomic proposition on the left side

  • Headless: empty left side (used to state facts)

Most propositions can be stated as Horn clauses.

An Overview of Logic Programming#

Declarative semantics:

  • Each statement in a logical program is declarative

  • Simpler that the semantics of imperative languages.

Programming is nonprocedural:

  • Programs do not state how a result is to be computed, but rather the form of the result.

Example: Sorting a List#

Describe the characteristics of a sorted list, not the process of rearranging a list.

sort(old_list, new_list) \(\subset\) permute(old_list, new_list) \(\cap\) sorted(new_list)

sorted(list) \(\subset \forall j\) such that \(1 \leq j < n\), list(j) \(\leq\) list(j+1)