21 - OOP#

Support for OOP in Java#

Because of its close relationship to C++, focus is on the differences from that language.

General characteristics#

  • All data are objects except the primitive types

  • All primitive types have wrapper classes that store one data value

  • All objects are heap-dynamic, are referenced through reference variables, and they are implicitly allocated through new

  • A finalize method is implicitly called when the garbage collector is about to reclaim the storage occupied by the object


Java supports single inheritance only, but it can also implement one or more interfaces.

An interface can include only method declarations and named constants, e.g.,

public interface Comparable <T> {
    public int comparedTo (T b);

Methods can be final, which prevents them from being overriden.

Dynamic Binding#

In Java, all messages are dynamically bound to methods, unless the method is final (i.e. it cannot be overriden, thus dynamic binding serves no purposes).

Static binding is also used if the method is static or private, both of which disallow overriding.

Nested Classes#

  • Everything is hidden from all classes in their package, except for the nesting class

  • Nonstatic nested classes are called innerclasses, which are classes that can access methods of their nesting class

  • Nested classes can be anonymous

  • A local nesting class is defined in a method of its nesting class

  • Static nested classes


  • Design decisions to support OOP are similar to C++

  • No parantheses classes

  • Dynamic binding is used as a normal way to bind method calls to method definitions

  • Uses interfaces to provide a simple form of support for multiple inheritance

Support for OOP in C##

General Characteristics#

  • Support for OOP is similar to Java

  • Includes both classes and structs

  • Classes are similar to Java’s classes

  • structs are less powerful stack-dynamic constructs (e.g. no inheritance)


  • Uses the syntax of C++ for defining classes

  • A method inherited from a parent class can be replaced in the derived class by marking its definition with new

  • The parent class version can still be called explicitly with the prefix base:

  • Single inheritance only

Dynamic Binding#

  • To allow dynamic binding of method calls to methods:

    • The base class is marked virtual

    • The corresponding methods in derived classes are marked override

  • Abstract methods are marked abstract and must be implemented in all subclasses

  • All C# classes are ultimately derived from a single root class, Object


  • C# is relatively recently designed C-based OO language

  • The differences between C#’s and Java’s support for OOP are relatively minor

Support for OOP in Ruby#

General Characteristics#

  • Everything is an object

  • All computation is through message passing

  • Class definitions are executable, allowing secondary definitions to add members to existing definitions

  • All variables are type-less references to objects

  • Access control is different for data and methods

    • It is private for all data and cannot be changed

    • Methods can be either public, private, or protected

  • Getters and setters can be defined by shortcuts


Access control to inherited methods can be different than in the parent class.

Subclasses are not subtypes.

Dynamic Binding#

All variables are typeless and polymorphic.


Ruby does not support abstract classes and does not fully support multiple inheritance (mixin).

Access controls in Ruby are weaker than those in C++.

A mixin in Ruby:

module A
    def a1
    def a2

module B
    def b1
    def b2
class Sample < base_class
include A
include B
    def s1

samp = Sample.new

Implementation of Object-Oriented Constructs#

There are 2 interesting and challenging aspects of implementing object-oriented constructs:

  • Storage structures for instance variables

  • Dynamic binding of messages to methods

Instance Data Storage#

Class instance records (CIRs) store the state of an object. These are static (built at compile time).

If a class has a parent, the subclass instance variables are added to the parent CIR.

Because CIR is static, access to all instance variables is done as it is in records. This is efficient.

Dynamic Binding of Method Calls#

Methods in a class that are statically bound need not be involved in the CIR; methods that will be dynamically bound must have entries in the CIR.

  • Calls to dynamically bound methods can be connected to the corresponding code through a pointer in the CIR

  • The storage structure is sometimes called virtual method tables (vtables)

  • Method calls can be represented as offsets from the beginning of the vtable

An example of CIRs:

public class A {
    public int a, b;
    public void draw() { ... }
    public int area() { ... }
public class B extends A {
    public int c, d;
    public void draw() { ... }
    public void sift() { ... }


A programming language that supports reflection allows its programs to have runtime access to their types and structure and to be able to dynamically modify their behavior.

The types and structure of a program are called metadata.

The process of a program examining its metadata is called introspection.

Interceding in the execution of a program is called intercession.

Uses of reflection for software tools:

  • Class browsers need to enumerate the classes of a program

  • Visual IDEs use type information to assist the developer in building type-correct code

  • Debuggers need to examine private fields and methods of classes

  • Test systems need to know all of the methods of a class

Reflection in Java#

  • Reflection receives limited support from java.lang.Class

  • Java runtime instantiates an instance of Class for each object in the program

  • The getClass method of Class returns the Class object of an object

float[] totals = new float[1000];
Class fltlist = totals.getClass();
Class stg = "hello".getClass();

If there is no object, use the class field:

Class stg = String.class;

Class has 4 useful methods:

  • getMethod searches for a specific public method of a class

  • getMethods returns an array of all public methods of a class

  • getDeclaredMethod searches for a specific method of a class

  • getDeclaredMethods returns an array of all methods of a class

The Method class defines the invoke method, which is used to execute the method found by getMethod: method.invoke(obj, args).

// A class to define the method that dynamically calls the
// methods of a passed class object
class Reflect {
    public static void callDraw(Object birdObj) {
        Class cls = birdObj.getClass();
        try {
            // Find the draw method of the given class
            Method method = cls.getMethod("draw");
            // Dynamically call the method

Reflection in C##

In the .NET languages the compiler places the intermediate code in an assembly, along with metadata about the program.

  • System.Type is the namespace for reflection

  • getType is used instead of getClass

  • typeof operator is used instead of .class field

  • System.Reflection.Emit namespace provides the ability to create intermediate code and put it in an assembly (Java does not provide this capability)

// A class to define the method that dynamically calls the
// methods of a passed class object
class Reflect {
    public static void callDraw(Object birdObj) {
        Type typ = birdObj.GetType();
        // Find the draw method of the given class
        MethodInfo method = typ.GetMethod("draw");
        // Dynamically call the method
        method.Invoke(birdObj, null);

Downsides of Reflection#

  • Performance costs

  • Exposes private fields and methods

  • Voids the advantages of early type checking

  • Some reflection code may not run under a security manager, making code nonportable