25 - Smalltalk#



Differences among collections:


Collection Methods#

  • aCollection do: aBlock

  • aCollection add: newObject

  • aCollection remove: oldObject

Issues with Collections#

  • Two operations can’t be intermingled

  • Two collections can’t be iterated at the same time


../../_images/streams1.png ../../_images/streams2.png
  • atEnd - Has the final item been consumed?

  • next - Answer the next item in the stream

  • do: - Iterate through a stream

Stream Hierarchy#

  • Stream

    • PositionableStream

      • ReadStream

      • WriteStream

        • ReadWriteStream


  • position - Get the current position of the stream

  • position: n - Set the current position of the stream

  • reset - Set the position to the front of the collection

  • setToEnd - Set the position to the end of the collection

  • skip: n - Skip the next n elements

  • peek - Answer the next element without moving

  • contents - Answer the whole contents of the stream

  • upToEnd - Answer all items up to the stream’s end


rs := ReadStream on: 'Mary had a little lamb'.
rs next.
rs upTo: $ .
rs nextLine.


rs := WriteStream on: Array new.
nextPut: item           "Put a single item"
nextPutAll: collection  "Put a collection"
next: n put: item       "Put n copies of item"


A ReadWriteStream combines ReadStream and WriteStream.

ReadWriteStream answers to the same messages as ReadStream and WriteStream.

Random access is allowed.



    f := FileStream open: 'data' mode: #read
    f := FileStream open: 'data' mode: #write
ifFail: aBlock


f close


  • next - Answer the next element

  • next: n - Answer the next n elements as a collection

  • nextLine - Answer up to the next line delimiter

  • nextMatchFor: anObject - Check if the next item is anObject

  • skip: n - Skip n items

  • skipTo: item - Skip items to the next occurrence of item

  • skipToAll: aCollection - Skip items to aCollection

  • upTo: item - Return items up to next occurrences of item

  • upToAll: aCollection - Return items up to aCollection

Reading all lines:

b := f nextLine.
[f atEnd] whileFalse:
        b displayN1.
        b := f nextLine.


  • nextPut: item - Put a single item

  • nextPutAll: collection - Put a collection

  • next: n put: item - Put n copies of item

'Enter a binary expresssion: ' display.
expr := stdin nextLine.
tokens:=expr subStrings.
1 to: 3 do: [:index | (tokens at: index) printNl].
a:= (tokens at: 1) asNumber.
b:= (tokens at: 3) asNumber.
((tokens at: 2) = '+') ifTrue: [
        'The sum is ' display.
        c displayNl.]