19 - ADT#

Parameterized Abstract Data Types#

Parameterized ADTs allow designing an ADT that can store any type elements; this is only an issue for static typed languages. These are also known as generic classes.

C++, Java 5.0, and C# 2005 provide support for parameterized ADTs.

Parameterized ADTs in C++#

Classes can be somewhat generic by writing parameterized constructor functions:

Stack (int size) {
    stk_ptr = new int [size];
    max_len = size - 1;
    top -= 1;

This Stack objects is declared as follows:

Stack stk(150);

The stack element type can be parameterized by making the class a templated class:

template <class Type>
class Stack {
        Type *stackPtr;
        const int maxLen;
        int topSub;
        Stack() {
            stackPtr = new Type[100];
            maxLen = 99;
            topSub -= 1;
        Stack(int size) {
            stackPtr = new Type[size];
            maxLen = size - 1;
            topSub -= 1;

This can be instantiated as follows:

Stack<int> myIntStack;

Parameterized Classes in Java 5.0#

  • Generic parameters must be classes

  • Most common generic types are the collection types, such as LinkedList and ArrayList

  • Eliminate the need to cast objects retrieved

  • Eliminate the problem of having multiple types in a structure

  • Generic collection classes cannot store primitives

  • Indexing is not supported

  • Users can define generic classes

  • Example of the use of a predefined generic class:

ArrayList<Integer> myArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
myArray.add(0, 47); // Put an element with subscript 0 in it
import java.util.*;
public class Stack2<T> {
    private ArrayList<T> stackRef;
    private int maxLen;
    public Stack2() {
        stackRef = new ArrayList<T> ();
        maxLen = 99;
    public void push(T newValue) {
        if (stackRef.size() == maxLen)
        System.out.println(" Error in push – stack is full");

Parameterized Classes in C# 2005#

  • Similar to those of Java 5.0, except no wildcard classes

  • Predefined for Array, List, Stack, Queue, and Dictionary

  • Elements of parameterized structures can be accessed through indexing

Encapsulation Constructs#

Large programs have 2 special needs:

  • Some means of organization, other than simply division into subprograms

  • Some means of partial compilation (compilation units that are smaller than the whole program)

An obvious solution to this problem: a grouping of subprograms that are logically related into a unit that can be separately compiled (compilation units). Such units are called encapsulation.

Nested Subprograms#

Organizing programs by nesting subprogram definitions inside the logically larger subprograms that use them.

Nested subprograms are supported in Python, JavaScript, and Ruby.

Encapsulation in C#

  • Files containing one or more subprograms can be independently compiled

  • The interface is placed in a header file

  • #include preprocessor specification - used to include header files in applications

  • One potential problem is that the linker does not check types between a header and associated implementation

Encapsulation in C++#

  • Can define header and code files, similar to those of C

  • Or, classes can be used for encapsulation

    • The class is used as the interface (prototypes)

    • The member definitions are defined in a separate file

  • Friends provide a way to grant access to private members of a class

C# Assemblies#

  • A collection of files that appear to application programs to be a single dynamic link library or executable

  • A module that can be separately compiled

  • A DLL is a collection of classes and methods that are individually linked to an executing program

  • C# has an access modifier called internal; an internal member of a class is visible to all classes in the assembly in which it appears

Naming Encapsulations#

  • Large programs define many global names; need a way to divide into logical encapsulations

  • A naming encapsulation is used to create a new scope for names

  • C++ namespaces

    • Can place each library in its own namespace and qualify names used outside with the namespace

    • C# also includes namespaces

  • If you don’t specify using namespace std; in C++, you must use std::cout

  • Java packages

    • Packages can contain more than one class definition; classes in a package are partial friends

    • Clients of a package can use fully qualified name or use the import definition

    • If you don’t specify import java.util.*; or import java.util.ArrayList;, you must use java.util.ArrayList

  • Ruby modules

    • Ruby classes are name encapsulations, but Ruby also has modules

    • Typically encapsulate collections of constants and methods

    • Modules cannot be instantiated or subclassed, and they cannot define variables

    • Methods defined in a module must include the module’s name

    • Access to the contents of a module is requested with the require method

module MyStuff
    PI = 3.14159265
    def MyStuff.mymethod1(p1)
    def MyStuff.mymethod2(p2)

This module is defined in a file named myStuffMod and is imported as such:

require 'myStuffMod'